Catch “Under the Microscope,” a new monthly virtual series featuring a notable alum in conversation with a UCSF dean. Each conversation is 20-30 minutes and addresses a trending healthcare or health science topic that highlights the participating alum’s professional contributions to the topic.
This month’s segment spotlights Yan Kalika, DMD, MS ’01, Resident Alum, discussing the future of health care with School of Dentistry Dean Michael Reddy, DMD, DMSc.
About the featured alum: Dr. Kalika is a certified specialist in orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics. He earned his dental degree from the Harvard School of Dental Medicine and completed his orthodontic training at UCSF, where he earned a master’s degree in oral biology and a specialty certificate in orthodontics and facial orthopedics.
He has co-founded and been a board member of several companies and also served as a consultant to Align Technology, creator of Invisalign.